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We Made 3 Mistakes on YouTube

Here's What We're Doing to Fix Them

NIRVC Music City Expo

We have recently made 3 mistakes on our YouTube channel. In this video, we talk about those mistakes and what we are doing to fix them to improve the viewer experience.

In the world of YouTube and content creation in general, it's a good idea to try new things from time to time. It makes things more interesting for everyone, keeps us from getting too set in our ways or stale, and sometimes those changes really resonate with the audience and lead to more fun and interesting videos.

And sometimes those changes don't work out as we had hoped or have a negative impact on the viewing experience. When that happens, we have to admit that we made a mistake. And it's important to us to do everything we can to fix the issues we caused by trying something different.

Our top priority is always to provide you with the best possible information, content and overall user experience.

Having said all of that, we are very excited to have found some of our "lost files" and look forward to sharing those videos with you soon!

By the way, you may have noticed our Electric Bike Company e-Bikes in the background of this video. We've had them for a few years now and absolutely LOVE them!

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Tom and Stacie

Tom and Stacie Langland
"RV America Y'all"

Hey y'all! We are Native Texans and (since 2018) Full-Time RVers sharing the adventures, challenges, and joys of RV life as we travel. We love camping and hiking in State and National Parks, discovering history, visiting interesting and quirky places, and exploring small towns. We're on a mission to experience life, not just live it with our dog, Star, and our cat, Astro. You can also find us on our original RV travel website, Thanks for joining us as we RV America Y'all!

Connect With Us @RVAmericaYall
