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Visiting a Seasonal Destination in the Shoulder Season

Podcast Episode 29

Downtown Petoskey, Michigan in Early May

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Seasonal travel destinations are considered "seasonal" for a reason. Historically, an overwhelming majority of the area's tourists and part-time residents visit during a particular season. A Colorado ski town's prime season might be Winter. A popular beach town might boom during Summer. Often the popular season revolves around weather. And sometimes the "off-season" means that most, if not all, of the town's businesses are closed.

The "shoulder seasons" occur between the off-season and the prime season. These in-between seasons occur in late Spring and early Fall in Northern Michigan (the top of the mitten... just south of the Upper Peninsula).

So what is it like visiting a traditionally seasonal destination during a shoulder season? We wanted to find out, so we headed to Petoskey, Michigan during the first few days of May. Were we crazy to visit Northern Michigan in well before the tourist season begins in mid-June?? Listen to this week's episode to find out!

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Tom and Stacie

Tom and Stacie Langland
"RV America Y'all"

Hey y'all! We are Native Texans and (since 2018) Full-Time RVers sharing the adventures, challenges, and joys of RV life as we travel. We love camping and hiking in State and National Parks, discovering history, visiting interesting and quirky places, and exploring small towns. We're on a mission to experience life, not just live it with our dog, Star, and our cat, Astro. You can also find us on our original RV travel website, Thanks for joining us as we RV America Y'all!

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